“Be firm in all you do. Be gentle in how you do it.”
~ Chad Mackin, (Adopted from Buck Brannaman)
With COVID-19 having reshaped our lives and routines, we all know that our furry, fluffy friends had benefited from being around us more than usual.
With new changes coming thanks to the roadmap for lifting lockdown, you want to make sure your pet gets adjusted to this new reality comfortably.
Because we care for you and your furry friend, we have compiled a series of advice on how to gently reintroduce our dogs into the new post-Covid routines effectively.
That’s why at ePaw, we got our paws dirty and get to work on finding possible ways to give pet owners a helping paw to navigate this transition!
We believe that by adopting simple, preventive approaches to care (a little extra) about your lovely pet, you’ll avoid so much headache.
So, are you ready? We hope you are because what’s coming next is going to encourage you. Next!
At ePaw, we are passionate about enjoying pets and nature in a loving way.
Our 4 Ways to Easily Navigate Post-Covid Routines With Your Pet
We have classified the advice into 4 major paw-approved sections covering different needs: environmental, diet and nutrition, companionship, and general health.
⦁ Taking Care of Your Pet’s Environment.
Now that many of us are returning to the workplace, it’s about putting small changes in place.
Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, we have to carefully consider how to provide safe environmental interaction for our pets:
⦁ Take time to plan your dog’s walks. Make sure that your pet gets adequate protection from hazards in the walking areas.
⦁ Provide properly ventilated areas for rest at home. Now, more than ever, your pet will need a rest area, which has appropriate ventilation.
⦁ If you’re leaving your home, then leave your dog in a comfortable area with enough space to move around.
⦁ Avoid larger areas where too many people are gathering. When in open spaces, be mindful and only interact maintaining a safe distance from other pet-owners.
⦁ Keep your dog under control and safe when outdoors. Some dogs are naturally more curious and some will find ways to pick up litter, mostly PPE. Sadly enough, some dogs have been found to swallow masks. So, as usual, stay alert!
⦁ Introduce your pup to face mask-wearing. The Dogs Trust has put on their web some good tips on how to introduce dogs to mask-wearing.
Did you know? COVID-19 pet masks spiked 500% over the pandemic. However, specialised vets are confirming that animals shouldn’t wear one.
⦁ Investing in Your Pet’s Diet and Nutrition.
For us, every little (bite) truly counts. And your dogs know it!
Dogs will need at least one substantial meal a day. And so investing in tasty but nutritious treats for your furry friend can be a rewarding experience.
There are plenty of paw-perfect tips to put in place:
⦁ Provide your dog with clean fresh drinking water whenever possible.
⦁ Help your dog to enjoy a balanced diet, which also promotes a stable weight.
⦁ For those dogs and puppies with special-needs diets, read all the pet food labels and ask your vet for possible further adjustments.
⦁ Plan for a gradual transition instead of changing your dog’s diet suddenly.
⦁ Try not to feed your dog shortly before (or after) very arduous exercise.
Did you know? During 2020, there had been a boom in breed-specific dog food, due to the high demand for purebred dogs.
⦁ Planning the Right Companionship.
Over the pandemic, pet’s thrived next by our side.
And they know we’re going back. So have you thought about your new availability and schedule when taking care of your furry friend? Are you considering new ways to help them to cope?
We know how important it is to you to prepare your dog for post-Covid separation with flexible solutions to adapt. Take note of these tips:
⦁ Providing them with interactive toys to prevent ‘boredom and distress scenarios’ by providing access to eco-chewable objects.
⦁ Ensure your pets rest time by having a calm space for them to use.
⦁ Keep an eye on your dog’s behaviour and observe if there are any changes. Do they look unusually aggressive or anxious? Then, you may be interested in seeking veterinary advice.
⦁ Reward your pets with stimulating homemade treats when you’re next to them.
Did you know? There are calming sprays for dogs made of natural elements. You can also learn how to create your own one, and scent a bit on your 4-legged’s bed.
⦁ General Health on Point!
Talking about peace, and general health, have you wondered which differences can you make?:
⦁ Wash your hands after handling animals, and also before and after manipulating their food and waste.
⦁ Practice good hygiene. Look after your pet and enhance its cleaning properly.
⦁ Talk to your veterinarian if you have questions about your pet’s health.
⦁ Frequently check your dog’s coat. Groom your dogs to maintain their coat glowing!
⦁ Program your vet’s visit for a routine health check in advance. Routine preventive healthcare is essential.
⦁ Always (yes, always!) clean up your dog’s messes the right way. Don’t leave any pet’s poop behind.
⦁ Remember to keep your dog’s microchip database up to date.
Did you know? The sudden rise in dog-owning during this pandemic may increase the chance of dogs being abandoned by owners unable to cope.
Preparing pets for change is vital.
As with many things in life, planning will save you time and will give you peace of mind. For further guidance from the government, we recommend checking your local code of practice for pets.
It’s all About Unconditional Love
In the end, it’s all about resilience and unconditional love!
Whether you want to explore and learn about new ideas or you are looking for help, check our blog and contact us today. Stay paw-site and subscribe to our newsletter!
Also, if you would like to discuss any of the items raised in this blog, you can contact Charlotte Fallon at hello@epawpet.com